Untangle is the free & open source alternative to Sonicwall. In addition to the basics (Firewall, VPN, IPS & routing), Untangle makes it easier to block spam, spyware, viruses, phishing, porn, gambling, MySpace, Facebook, IM, peer-2-peer & much, much more. Untangle has been named the "Best Security Solution" – LinuxWorld 2007
Untangle runs at the gateway… and requires no client to install as the complete protection is provided at the perimiter of the network.
The Intuitive GUI, logging, reporting & automatic signature updates makes Untangle very easy to use and administer.
The basic requires an Intel/AMD based system with reasonable processor speed and memory. More details here.
Installation is fairly straight forward. The software can be downloaded as an ISO image and burnt to CD or ordered for free. Boot with the CD and the Installation is wizard based. There is a nice installation documentation here.
There are also preinstalled appliance for out of the box experience.
The Untangle Network Gateway is free and has 12 applications that comes alone. There are also commercial addons to the software which basically has support for Active Directory integration, Advanced Policy Management, Config Backup, Remote Acces portal and Live support for the solution.
In addition to the basic Firewall, VPN, Intrusion Prevention and Routing functionalities, the following additional applications can run on the same device:
- Spam Blocker
- Web Filter
- Protocol Control like P2P and Online Games
- Virus Blocker with Dual Virus Blocker options
- Spyware Blocker
- Phishing Blocker
- Intrusion Prevention
- Attack Blocker
The pricing options for the commercial addons are very cheap to be honest for any basic levels.
For more information, please click here
just tell me wat my gateway is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Its on the header..right on top of the page…