Extended ACLs are advanced than the Standard ACLs. Unlike the Standard Access Lists where it checks only the Source IP Address to control the flow of the packets, Extended ACLs can check the
Source & Destination Address
Protocols (IP,ICMP,TCP,UDP)
Source & Destination ports
Extended ACLs have far greater control over the flow of packets and Extended ACL rules are processed by the sequence number as against Standard ACLs where it is processed in descending order of the Source Addresses.
Extended ACLs use ACL number 100 to 199 and since Cisco IOS version 12.0.1, 2000 – 2699 are used. These are called as expanded IP ACLs.
One other advantage of using Extended ACLs is that you can insert a statement in between existing ACL lists using a sequence number or delete an entry which you don't need using its list number.
The syntax of Extended ACLs is
access-list <ACL no.> <permit/deny> <protocol> <Source IP><Source mask><operator><Sourceport> <Destination IP><Destination mask> <operator> <destination port>
Protocol – Layer3 IP or IPX and Layer 4 TCP,UDP or ICMP
Operator – lt,eq,gt indicating port number "less than", Equal to or "greater"
A for source/source mask or destination/dest.mask can be equated to "any"
TO configure an Extended ACL
Let's configure a simple ACL that allows any source to pass traffic to any destination. As you know there is an explicit "deny any any" statement at the end of the ACL, we need to add a "permit any any" to allow all traffic.
ciscorouter# conf term
ciscorouter(config)# access-list 101 permit any any
This is the same as
ciscorouter(config)# access-list 101 permit
Another way to configure would be
ciscorouter(config)# ip access-list extended 101
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any any
Now, lets look at configuring based on Protocols.
IP Extended ACLs
IP Extended ACLs entry will not reference to the source and destination ports for the simple reason they are IP based lists.
For instance,
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any
The above lets any traffic from source network will be allowed to any destination network.
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip option log
This list allows any traffic from source network to the destination network and logging.
TCP/UDP Extended ACLs
In TCP Extended ACLs, we can refernce to the source/destination IP addresses/networks and source and destination ports.
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any eq www
The above lets any web traffic (HTTP in port 80) from the source network to any destination network. This is equivivalent to
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any eq 80
Another example to allow SMTP traffic from any network to a destination Mail server
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any eq 25
To allow DNS (UDP) queries
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any eq 53
ICMP Extended ACLs
In ICMP Extended ACLs, its about the Source & Destination IP/Networks and the ICMP Type, ICMP Code and ICMP messages.
For instance,
Block ICMP Replies [ICMP Type 0]
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# deny icmp any any echo-reply
Block ICMP Replies [ICMP Type 11]
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# deny icmp any any time-exceeded
Block ICMP Type 3 Code 4 [Destination unreacheable]
ciscorouter(config-ext-nacl)# deny icmp any any host-unreachable
To apply the ACL onto an interface,
ciscrouter(config)# int fa0/0
ciscorouter(config-if)# ip access-group 101 out
The above applies the Extended ACL 101 on the traffic exiting the interface. Remember the Per Protocol Per INterface Per Direction rule when applying rules to the interfaces.
Thanks for your updatation and this note help me a lot and from today I am able to understand the meaning of ACL and its configuration.
easy to understand…. thank you..
Excellent way of presentation.Thank you
Brilliant faculty, perfect explanation, thanks dear for letting us know what is ACL in quite a simple way.