It is always important that a copy of the config is saved elsewhere on a server to facilitate a speedy recovery should there be a catastrophy. While Cisco Routers and Switches can recover from a crash as long as the running-config is copied to the startup config. There is every reason for it to fail as it did on one of my Catalyst 3750s.
There is a lot of automated config backup solutions available for free/opensource. Its worth knowing a manual backup procedure as well.
Here we will discuss a simple backup procedure using a TFTP server. However, it is important to note it is not secure to use a TFTP server.
This requries a TFTP server configured and accessible from the switch or the router.
Backup Running-config using TFTP
ciscorouter# copy running-config tftp:
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [ciscorouter-confg]? ciscorouter_20080130
2456 bytes copied in 3.124 secs (395 bytes/sec)
That copies the running-config onto a file the TFTP Server at and we have a backup that can be restored any time.
Restore the config back to the running-config
Remove the lines that starts with "AAA" to remove the security commands and avoid yourself being locked out.
ciscorouter# copy tftp: running-config
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? ciscorouter_20080130
Destination filename [running-config]?
Accessing tftp://…
Loading ciscorouter_20080130 from (via FastEthernet1/0/1): !
[OK – 2456 bytes]2456 bytes copied in 6.024 secs (112 bytes/sec)
That restores the config backup file named "ciscorouter_20080130" to the running-config.
very good material
its very easy and evry helpful to all thanks buddy………